Swanfish is back for 2019!
When: 23rd and 24th of February
Where: Swan River
Perth, WA
Swanfish is a family friendly fishing event undertaken on the Swan River in February each year.
The 2019 event will be held across the weekend of 23rd and 24th of February.
Swanfish is held in Perth WA and participants can fish anywhere in the Swan and Canning Rivers, upstream of the Fremantle Traffic Bridge.
$25 for adults, $15 for Juniors (Under 16), $15 for pension card holders.
The event is aimed at all levels of recreational fisher and the emphasis is on participation. You don't even have to catch a fish to win a prize! There will be lots of raffle prizes drawn at the presentations on Sunday 24th.
Registrations can be made online PRIOR to commencing fishing. Registrants will be emailed details of how to log their catch at 9am Saturday 23rd February to ensure that no fishing begins before the start time. REGISTRATIONS CLOSE 12NOON FRIDAY 22ND FEBRUARY.
No, Swanfish is catch, click and release only (excluding mulloway over 80cm). Please see Rules and Conduct for details.
If you happen to hook a bird, do not cut the line, reel it in carefully then:
Protect the eyes
Throw a towel over the bird
Grab the beak
Cover its eyes and fold the wings.
Cut the hook and untangle the line.
If the bird is not injured, carefully release.
For assistance, please call Wildcare Helpline on 9474 9055.
For more information visit https://recfishwest.org.au/news/catch-fish-not-birds/